I want to give you an example of how the meter network benefited from this 5x fee reduction update.

09 Jun 2023, 08:53
Guys... I want to give you an example of how the meter network benefited from this 5x fee reduction update. In early February, a Zombie game called Zomalnd (mtr.zomland.com) was released on the Meter mainnet. It's a PVP/PVE game and I had started playing it. I stopped after a few days because the cost to mine zombies was too high. To mint 8 zombies you needed 2.2 MTR (2.2$).. and I could mint up to 80 zombies a day.. I had to pay 22 MTR every day, i.e. 22$. I tried to mint my 80 zombies this morning and paid a total of 4.3 MTR (0.05 MTR for each zombie) which, considering the MTR now equal to $0.6, means that I only spent $2.58. But even if you consider MTR equal to 1$, it means that I would have spent 4.3$ which is 5 times less than before! in a nutshell now per mint an NFT on the meter mainnet costs a maximum of 0.05 MTR (considering MTR now that it is worth 0.6$.. it means only 0.03$ maximum per mint 1 NFT) 💯 I mean I don't know if you realize what this update means for the Meter mainnet!! This will allow numerous Dapps to come to the meter without problems without fearing the fees because they will really be negligible 🔥